14 February 2022
Across the globe the month of January represents a seismic shift from busy to bleak. The name of the month itself finds its origins from the Roman god Janus, who ruled over doors and new beginnings. During this time of year, the nail industry stares down at its idle hands and pops a pain reliever to manage its holiday hangover. We’ve gone from zero to sixty mph and then full stop. The whiplash looks like spotty appointments, boredom, and a mix of broke folks. Ouch. Who can relate? We’ve got a few gentle reminders of how to flip this whole seasonal disorder on its head. Your business needs to be cared for every month of the year with January the best place to start.
Every season has its own thing going. Spring is synonymous for rebirth. Summer is freedom and growth. Fall is a time of gathering and abundance. Winter is hibernation and restoration. With the various busyness of life, we become addicted to the hectic and forget to give ourselves permission to slow down. To be honest, it’s exhausting to run on all cylinders 24/7. Can you accept the natural rhythms of the seasons? Do you recognize the patterns in your business? If you find your salon clicking at a slower pace, take the time to look back with intention. Jot down a gratitude list of the many miraculous things that fell in place for your business to survive and thrive. Did you deliver a signature look? Can you see the slow down as the perfect moment to calculate your prior year’s wins and losses? Can you muster a little patience and courage to draft a simple business plan? Can you find a trusted mentor and ask them for help in this area? What was last year’s profit? Can you try to increase revenue by 20% in the new year? What would your income look like each month if you did? Reflect and manifest this kind of stuff now.
Most nail techs know that seat belts get fastened from October onwards with a steady rush of regulars. The client surge comes and goes. How do you convert your holiday rush/temporary clients into regulars? And what should you do during the slow times? Approach each day with awareness. It doesn’t have to be a feast or famine mind set. There are many reasons why business is trickling in and usually it’s seasonal. We can note the “why” with curiosity but don’t dwell on it. Kids on vacation and maxed out credit cards will put a dent in your standing appointments. Your attention is better spent on laying the groundwork for the perpetual courtship of both new and existing clients. Sometimes that looks the same. Sometimes that looks different. Make sure that you as a nail artist are personally excited and still in love with nails. Go after what’s next. Fill your own cup. Use the time to learn something new. What’s one scary thing you might try out to expand into your business? Add it to your service menu. Experiment with marketing it. Create a buzz. You won’t regret it.
Life happens. People come and go. This applies to nail techs and clients. Now more than ever, people are on the move. This means slow going. Recognize there will always be clients looking for a new nail tech. How can you help them find your work (actively and passively)? How will you inspire your neighborhood nail fiends? Where are the eyes at? Glued to Social Media? Even regulars get bored with the same old thing and start looking for love elsewhere. Just because they want something new, different, closer, etc. It takes a couple swipes or a contact high on Instagram or Tik Tok to push them through your door. Try location marketing. Play around. Have fun. All of this can help you stand out. Appreciate the competition and stay relevant. Keep your core essentials irresistible and top them off with fresh seasonal trends. A pause in work momentum means you can concentrate on the ferocity in nails that only you can bring. In the stillness, you will tap into your talent.
**This is an adaptation from our YN Biz Talk playlist on YouTube which originally aired on February 8, 2022.
***Follow our YN YouTube Channel and click here to watch the full discussion: